What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a completely natural, safe, and drug free therapy that works directly with the body’s natural healing processes and energy. It is an effective preventative medicine that helps support and strengthen the immune system with no negative side-effects. Chinese medicine also involves the use of non-needle therapies such as medical massage, cupping, moxibustion or herbs (see also the Herbal Medicine FAQ, at the bottom of the page).

Why choose acupuncture?

Many who struggle with pain and illness despite years of treatment, ask themselves could my healing involve more than physical/medical interventions? Others are looking for alternatives to drug therapies used in Western treatments that carry risks of unwanted side effects and accumulation of toxicity. Another big concern is the high costs of health care. If conventional medicine has failed to bring you the desired results, then acupuncture is a gentle, personalized, natural, safe, and effective and drug free alternative choice.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture activates the body’s natural healing potential by treating the root causes that have led to pain or illness. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s own internal resources for manufacturing and releasing its own pain relieving chemicals. Research shows that multiple beneficial effects include an increase in natural anti-inflammatories and pain-killers, regulation of the immune system, hormones, and HPA-axis, circulation of blood and lymph, regulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous symptoms, alteration of pain signals, and more. 

How effective is acupuncture to treat pain

A short answer is Acupuncture really works! The traditional explanation is that acupuncture clears blockages in the meridians that cause dysfunction. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s pain relieving chemistry. The body’s own intelligence knows the right dose of endorphins and dopamine needed to produce a feeling of well-being. Getting a prescriptive treatment is like walking around with your own internal pharmacy that can produce the “medication” needed for healing on demand and without any unwanted side effects.

How safe is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is over 3,000 years old and has been used successfully to treat millions of people. When practiced by a qualified and licensed practitioner, acupuncture is completely safe. Acupuncture needles are one-time use only, are sterilized and disposable, and do not carry any risk of infection.

Do the needles hurt?

Acupuncture needles are virtually painless when inserted. About ten times smaller than the average hypodermic needle, the hair-sized needles generally cause no bleeding. Acupuncturists are trained in exact location, angle and depth of needle insertion to avoid injury. Although each person’s experience is different, you will typically feel a unique sensation from tingling, to heaviness, to warmth, or nothing at all. If you experience any discomfort, inform your practitioner, and they will adjust the needles accordingly.

What are meridians?

There are twelve major meridians in the body that act like a river of energy transporting energy and blood to the body’s vital organs (Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Lung and Spleen). When a meridian is blocked, imbalances can occur throughout the body. Acupuncture needles, and other healing techniques such as acupressure and medical massage, are applied to areas along the meridians where the energy is near to the surface to redirect energy and restore flow.

Why does the acupuncturist check my pulse?

There are twelve pulse positions on each wrist that your acupuncturist will palpate. Each position corresponds to a specific meridian and organ. Your acupuncturist will be looking for twenty-seven individual qualities that reflect overall health. If there are any problems, they may appear in the pulse.

Why does the acupuncturist look at my tongue?

The tongue is a map of the body. It reflects the general health of the organs and meridians. Your acupuncturist will look at the color, shape, cracks and coating on your tongue.

How many treatments are required and how often will I need to come?

Each person is unique and the number of treatments needed vary from person to person and condition. Some people feel better right away while others may take months to achieve lasting results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute ones. Treatment frequency depends on a variety of factors including your constitution and the severity and duration of the problem. Your treatment plan will be determined after the first visit and reassessed each time you come. A typical course may involve weekly treatments, usually twice a week for the first two weeks, and once a week thereafter. You can normally plan on a minimum of a month to feel significant changes.

Can I be treated with acupuncture if I’m pregnant?

Yes, absolutely! Acupuncture can be very helpful for many conditions that arise during pregnancy, from morning sickness to sciatica to swelling. Because there are some points that are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is important to inform your practitioner if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. Acupuncture also offer post-partum care.

Is acupuncture safe for children?

Yes, it is. In fact, some children actually respond to treatment more readily than adults. If your child has an aversion to needles, your acupuncturist can use acupressure, or tuina, to massage the acupuncture points and achieve the same beneficial results.

What conditions can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is effective to treat many more conditions than pain. Flower Power Acupuncture’s specialties include Women’s health, sexuality and rejuvenation, , and more. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems. Below are some of the health concerns that acupuncture effectively treats:

* Addiction                         * Fertility                 * Seasonal affective disorder
Anxiety                            * Fibromyalgia            * Shoulder pain
* Arthritis                           * Headache                     * Sinusitis 
* Asthma                            * Hiccough                         * Sleep disturbances
* Bronchitis                        * Incontinence                      * Smoking cessation
* Carpal tunnel syndrome * Indigestion                          * Sore throat
* Chronic fatigue                * Irritable bowel syndrome    * Stress
* Colitis                               * Lower back pain                    * Tennis elbow
* Common cold                  * Menopause                            * Tonsillitis
* Constipation                    * Menstrual irregularities     * Tooth pain
* Dental pain                      * Migraine                           * Trigeminal neuralgia
* Depression                       * Morning sickness         * Urinary tract infections
* Diarrhea                           * Nausea                         * Vomiting
* Digestive trouble             * Osteoarthritis           * Wrist pain
* Dizziness                          * Pain                                       
* Dysentery                         * PMS                                       
* Emotional problems        * Pneumonia                            
* Eye problems                    * Reproductive problems       
* Facial palsy                       * Rhinitis                                
* Fatigue                               * Sciatica                                  

Herbal Medicine FAQ

When does the acupuncturist prescribe herbs?

Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever or acute pain. Your practitioner may suggest starting with herbs and then adding acupuncture to your treatment in the future. This is suggested to build up your internal strength so you can receive the full benefits acupuncture has to offer.

How long does one bottle last?

Generally speaking one bottle lasts about 8 days depending on the recommended dosage and formula prescribed.

How do I take the herbal formulas?

Herbal formulas can be taken before or after each meal. It is better absorbed if taken before meals. If it bothers your stomach, for example. mild nausea or stomach discomfort, we suggest that you take them after meals. Please refer to the label on the bottle for the dosage to be taken each time.

If I am taking high blood pressure medicine, then can I take the herbs?

It is unlikely that herbs will raise your blood pressure. Please monitor your blood pressure and consult your physician if it is too high.

I am a diabetic, can I take the herbs?

Yes, but you need to monitor your blood sugar closely for the first two weeks. Consult your physician if the blood sugar is high.

I am on blood thinner medication, what should I do?

Please inform your acupuncturist if you are on blood thinner medication so that this can be taken into account when prescribing herbs. 

How do I take the herbs if I am taking other medications?

It is recommended not to take the herbs at the same time with your other medications. Take them thirty minutes to one hour apart.

Can I use the herbs with other herbs?

The general suggestion is to NOT mix the herbs with too many other supplements, otherwise it is hard to evaluate the results. Too many different products might cancel each other out.

What should I do if the herbs cause diarrhea?

Herbs have a tendency to cause loose bowel movement. If it is only loose, you can continue the herbs. If diarrhea occurs after you start the herbs, cut the dosage to one half and gradually increase back to the suggested dosage when diarrhea lessens. If diarrhea is serious and persistent, or if there are undesirable effects or allergic reactions, please stop usage of the herbs.

What should I do if I have poor tolerance for the herbs?

Some people may experience nausea or fatigue. Discontinue use of the herbs for a few days and then resume the prescribed dosage. If you really can not tolerate the herbs, please discontinue completely.

What are the potential side effects of the herbs?

Mild nausea, stomach upset and diarrhea may occur. If your energy level is lower after using the herbs, you may not be using the right kind. Please consult with your acupuncturist.

What are the potential effects if children take the herbs by mistake?

Please keep all of your medications including our herbs from reach of children for safety reason. Do not change the containers of your medications/herbs for proper identification. Accidental ingestion of two or three times the recommended dosage should not cause problems, but please contact a physician should this occur.

What would happen if I miss taking the herbs a few days?

It is recommended not to skip the herbs except during chemotherapy and radiation. But skipping a day or two will not greatly compromise the effects of the herbs.

Is there any data to prove the effects of the herbs?

Our herbs are not FDA approved and there is no scientific data regarding their effects. However, there are many anecdotal case reports in China and from our own medical practice. From this perspective, herbal formulas are a mature medicine that has been tried and tested for centuries, helping millions of people return to sustainable health.